Alkimiya is our premier Kymorphia Vector Instrument Editor and Software Synthesizer application which runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Kymorphia Vector Instruments provide an advanced dynamic synthesis architecture using vector curves for superior sound and flexibility. Alkimiya can be used for designing instruments, creating sessions for music composition, and managing/browsing instruments locally and online.

Wave One will be our first dedicated hardware synthesizer product. While Alkimiya provides a highly advanced software synthesizer for modern multi-core CPU computers, many musicians will find a dedicated hardware product to be a convenient and powerful addition to their musical equipment. Stay tuned for updates on more product details and information on release dates for this exciting hardware product!

The Kymorphia Vector Instrument Format is our core open standard which defines a file format and synthesis model for structured vector Bézier curve based instruments. This advanced synthesis architecture provides a powerful platform for sound and musical instrument design. One of the many key features of this standard is curve morphing, where a waveform can be transformed from one form to another, providing an additional dimension to sound synthesis.

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Alkimiya beta preview release

Dec. 27, 2020

After two years of development we are happy to announce the preview release of Alkimiya!


Website launched!

Dec. 22, 2020

Welcome to our new website!